At last! The American edition of A WOLF CALLED WANDER is out in the world. It’s my first book with a signed first edition and my first book to be translated. Thanks to Virginia Duncan and the team at Greenwillow for a beautiful project from start to finish. Breathtaking art from Mónica Armiño graces nearly every page. There are blog interviews with Janet Lee Carey here and with Brazos Bookstore here. And my hometown bookstore Powells has made it a Pick of the Month for May. I’m going to be celebrating the launch at A Children’s Place Bookstore on Friday May 10th at 7pm 4807 NE Fremont St, Portland OR.
With excitement, humor, sweetness, and a beautiful, imaginative voice full of innocence, exuberance, and downright wolfiness, A Wolf Called Wander is the incredible tale, based on a true story, of one young wolf’s coming-of-age during his adventurous 1,000-mile trip in search of a new home. Recommended By Gigi L.,