Category Archives: Heart of a Shepherd

Bunk House Chess

My family includes many avid chess players and several of my nieces and nephews have belonged to chess clubs. If you are looking for a fast paced and wicked fun variation on traditional chess here’s a game lots of kids love. I’m sure it’s a big hit with Brother and his family when they are up at Cow Camp.

Bunk House ChessFor Bunk House Chess you need 4 players and 2 chess sets.

1. Set up your chess boards side by side like this. It’s important to arrange the white and black chessmen on opposite sides of the board.

2. Your opponent in the game is the person across from you. Your partner is the person beside you.

3. When you capture a chessman from your opponent, you pass it to your partner beside you.

4. On her next turn your partner can either move any of her chessmen on the board as she normally would OR she can take the piece you just gave her and set it on any free square on the board. On her next turn she can move the new chess piece or any of her other pieces as she normally would. Just because she has a captured piece from her partner does not mean she must use it immediately.

5. The first person to get checkmate wins the whole game.

This game can be played with any even number of players. Seat everyone at a long table. Everyone sitting on the same side of the table is on the same team. Each person passes their captured pieces to the person on their left. the player at the left end of the table gives his captured pieces to the player on the right end of the table.

This version of chess is great for a whole chess club to play together or for a rainy day at camp or for a whole bunch of cousins at the holidays.

Discussion Guide (Heart of a Shepherd)

Discussion Guide for Heart of a Shepherd – 3th to 5th grade

Heart of a Shepherd by Roseanne Parry1. Malheur County Oregon got its name from French trappers in 1825. Malheur (Mal-yer) means misfortune in French. Do you think Brother is lucky or unlucky to live where he does? Would you want to live in his town?

2. In the first chapter, Brother plays chess with his grandpa. Do you think he won that game? What did you learn about him because of the way he played the game?

3. At the end of the first chapter, Brother makes his dad a promise. Does he keep that promise in the end? Does Dad make Brother a promise?

4. In the fourth chapter, the Alderman’s celebrate Christmas. What traditions do they keep the same from year to year? How is the holiday different with Dad in Iraq?

5. At the end of the story Brother learns about “the man he is meant to be.” How did he know that job was a good choice for him? How will you learn about the person you are meant to be?


Discussion Guide for Heart of a Shepherd – 6th to 8th grade

1. Brother is the youngest in his family. In what ways is he typical of a youngest child? He is also the only child still living at home. In what ways is he like an only child? Would Brother make different choices if he were an oldest child?

2. Brother lives many miles from his nearest neighbor. Does that make his life lonely? How is closeness expressed in a community that lives far apart? How is closeness expressed in your community?

3. In the first chapter, Brother does not play by the traditional rules of chess. Why does Grandpa accept his change in the rules? What does the way they play the game together tell you about Brother’s character? What does it tell you about his relationship with Grandpa?

4. In The Man of the House, the family celebrates Christmas. Are there examples of foreshadowing in this chapter?

5. Why do you think Brother’s dad and older brothers chose to become soldiers? What leads Brother to choose a different path? Why did your parents choose the jobs they have? How will you know what vocation to choose for yourself?

Discussion ideas for parent and child book groups

1. When Brother’s dad leaves for Iraq, he doesn’t promise to come back. Is that fair or not fair to his sons? Brother makes a promise to his dad that he can’t keep. Would it be better not to make a promise that isn’t a sure thing? Is it ever a good idea to break a promise?

2. Brother is the youngest in his family. In what ways is he typical of a youngest child? He is also the only child still living at home. In what ways is he like an only child? How does your birth order make a difference in your family?

3. When the Alderman’s celebrate Christmas, what traditions do they keep the same from year to year? How is the holiday different with the dad in Iraq? Which of your family’s holiday traditions do you want to keep forever? Which ones do you think will change over time?

4. In the first chapter, Brother does not play by the traditional rules of chess. What does the way they play the game together tell you about Brother’s character? What does it tell you about his relationship with his grandpa? Does your family have a favorite game? Do you ever change the rules?

5. Why do you think Brother’s dad and older brothers chose to become soldiers? What leads Brother to choose a different vocation? Why did your parents choose the vocations they have? How will you know what vocation to choose for yourself?

Brother’s Killer Hot Chocolate Recipe

cocoaTo make hot cocoa for one you need a mug, a jelly jar and a microwave.

Put 3 Tbsps cocoa, 3 Tbsps sugar and ¼ tsp cinnamon in the jar and add 1/3 of a cup of milk. Shake this up in the jar until the lumps of cocoa are gone.

Pour the mixture in the mug and add 2/3 of a cup of milk. Heat on high for 1 minute, stir and enjoy.

To make hot cocoa for five brothers you need mugs and a pot that holds 6 cups of milk. Put 1 cup of milk in the jar and shake it up with ½ cup of cocoa, ½ cup of sugar and 1 tsp of cinnamon, plus 1 tsp of vanilla.

Pour this mixture into the pot with 5 cups of milk on the stove. Turn the heat to medium and stir until the cocoa is warm. Usually about five minutes.

For very fancy cocoa put a candy cane in each mug. Try melting some chocolate chips in the cocoa for an extra rich flavor.