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Friends, I’m thrilled to announce that my next middle grade novel, A Wolf Called Fire, will be available on February 4th, 2025. The story will be illustrated by the brilliant Mónica Armiño and the luminous cover below was created by Cindy Derby. If you would like to preorder a signed and personalized copy please give Annie Blooms Books a call. The link is below. We can ship anywhere in the US.

I’m so delighted to share that The Wolf Effect: A Wilderness Revival Story has been given a starred review from Booklist! The full review is below

A starred Review from Booklist-April 15, 2024

*The Wolf Effect: A Wilderness Revival Story. By Rosanne Parry, Illus. by Jennifer Thermes, May 2024 Greenwillow 9780062969583,

It’s pretty amazing how much this charming picture book manages to covey in just over 40 pages. There’s a compact history of Yellowstone National Park, told through the evolution of its ecosystem as it transformed during the early twentieth century from a true wilderness to a tourist friendly theme park. There’s an account of the park’s wolf population and how farmers and shepherds succeeded in having the predators hunted to extirpation. There are also accessible examples of how the area’s food chain was affected and how other plants and animals began to decline. All this information flows effortlessly through brief narrative passages; lyrical rhymes that build through the pages, stanza by stanza, as the rippling effects of the absence of wolves spread farther and farther and wonderful illustrations, slightly reminiscent of the art of Wanda Gág of Millions of Cats fame. There’s also an ongoing conversation between a coyote and a bear as they argue the pros and cons of bringing wolves back to Yellowstone, which finally happened in 1995, leading to a transformation as the ecosystem rediscovered its natural balance. The vintage-looking watercolor and colored pencil maps and illustrations are delightful, and the text begs to be read aloud. There’s also generous back matter for researchers. A truly lovely addition to the Yellowstone wolves canon. –Kathleen McBroom


If you would like to purchase my books I hope you will consider shopping at one of the independent bookstores who have been so supportive of me over the years. Here’s a link to the bookstore finder at Indiebound. If you would like to have a signed copy of any of my books, please call Annie Blooms where I work part time. (503) 246-0053. They’ll be happy to take a message about how to personalize your copy and then I’ll sign it on my next shift. We ship to any place in the United States.  If none of those options work for you, I am always grateful to readers who get their books at the public or school library. They have been great supporters of my work, too.

Rosanne is represented by Fiona Kenshole of the Transatlantic Literary Agency. For inquiries about rights, please contact Fiona@transatlanticagency.com

For publicity questions and requests please contact Harper Collins at HCCBpublicity@HARPERCOLLINS.com

I love getting letters from children. You can send them to me at Annie Blooms Bookstore, 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219. For personalized copies, use the link below.